My dream is to become a pilot. I would like to travel a lot of places. 続きを読む
Teake Tomu
I like to participate in volunteering work. I am making a school playground at the moment. 続きを読む
Justin Filiki losia
The most important thing to me is my family. I would like to be a sailor to go abroad and see many things. 続きを読む
Taafaki Semu Taafaki
Climate change is killing the world. Because we have a scarcity of land, losing 10 meters to sea level rise is a big deal. 続きを読む
Fatuuga Tauia
I am the head chief of this island. I live for my family and my island, and I enjoy protecting them. 続きを読む
Angela Maitoga
People say Tuvalu is a small country. If you google it, it says it’s a small country. 続きを読む
Alfred Kaisami
I thinks it is better in this island to be developed well to construct new roads with cars and bikes. 続きを読む
Kaleopa Foutanu
I feel most happy when I play football. I want to learn how to kick a ball. 続きを読む
Maike Teuki
I really enjoy this happy life of mine. I probably only have a few more years before I die, 続きを読む
Tepoutoa Epati
I come from a long line of a traditional fishing family and enjoy fishing most. 続きを読む