There is a big difference in Tuvalu between today and the past. I’m not certain what will happen to Tuvalu in the future. 続きを読む

There is a big difference in Tuvalu between today and the past. I’m not certain what will happen to Tuvalu in the future. 続きを読む
Climate change is killing the world. Because we have a scarcity of land, losing 10 meters to sea level rise is a big deal. 続きを読む
A lot of people have a christian religion that climate change won’t happen. But scientifically we know that it is happening, so we have to be prepared. 続きを読む
My dream is to become a doctor. And I think that the water I drink every day is important. 続きを読む
I want to keep the knowledge for Tuvaluan traditional works such as how to weave the mattress, how to build the traditional house and so on. 続きを読む
The land was much larger before. All the sand is gone now by the power of the sea. 続きを読む
I’m very happy, because I enjoy doing local work. I enjoy fishing and working at my plantation. 続きを読む
I feel happy when I go to school because I get good grades. 続きを読む
We did not have such hotter days before. I feel the weather has changed and got hotter since 5 to 7 years ago. 続きを読む
I find joy in trying new things, experiencing new technology and inventing something. 続きを読む