The sea is really rising. I think other people see it as well but..I think they don’t actually want to leave Tuvalu. 続きを読む

The sea is really rising. I think other people see it as well but..I think they don’t actually want to leave Tuvalu. 続きを読む
I love the people of Tuvalu, the weather and the food. If Tuvalu sinks from sea level rise, I will sink with it. I will die for Tuvalu. 続きを読む
I see many changes happening on Tuvalu from climate change. Now during the high tide the water comes up on to the road, 続きを読む
A lot of people have a christian religion that climate change won’t happen. But scientifically we know that it is happening, so we have to be prepared. 続きを読む
For developed countries, when it comes to climate change, it’s all about numbers. 続きを読む
I would be so sad to lose my home to climate change and sea level rise. 続きを読む
Our tentative goal at the moment is to make our children’s education fee by expanding our farm. 続きを読む
I enjoy fishing. My dream is to keep staying here. I have no idea about the most important thing in my life. 続きを読む
I am happy because I am a happy person. I enjoy dancing most. 続きを読む
I love dancing more than anything. My dream is that my children grow up without any problem, 続きを読む