I am a car or motorcycle repair man. Cars and motorbikes use fossil fuels, they are not good for climate change. 続きを読む

I am a car or motorcycle repair man. Cars and motorbikes use fossil fuels, they are not good for climate change. 続きを読む
My children is my treasure. I have raised them as grown-ups who behave themselves. 続きを読む
I used to live in Tuvalu but I prefer to live in Kioa because it is cooler, we have more food and we enjoy fishing here. 続きを読む
Sea water reached to the small pass between my house and sea at last high tide in February. 続きを読む
The most important thing is looking after my children and family. 続きを読む
There are many effects because of the sea level rise. I believe the scientists’ prediction because the wave is getting closer to the land especially when it is high tide. 続きを読む
Sometimes I taste the pulaka from my pulaka pit and it is salty. 続きを読む
I am happy because I love the life in Tuvalu. What I enjoy most in my life is drumming, especially the traditional log drum. 続きを読む
What I enjoy most in my life is fishing to support my family. 続きを読む
Please care and think about the people who live in small islands like Tuvalu. 続きを読む