Climate change is killing the world. Because we have a scarcity of land, losing 10 meters to sea level rise is a big deal. 続きを読む

Climate change is killing the world. Because we have a scarcity of land, losing 10 meters to sea level rise is a big deal. 続きを読む
I am happy because I am healthy. I enjoy volleyball very much. I enjoy pretty much everything. 続きを読む
Water is really coming up. I know that plants will die eventually. I am worried about our people who live in fear today. 続きを読む
I would like to leave peace for the generations to come. I like our lifestyle very much. 続きを読む
What I want for the future generations of Tuvalu is to learn, understand, and accept new ideas and ways of thinking so that they can prepare themselves for climate change. 続きを読む
When the alarm about the tsunami was broadcasted, my children really fear about that, but we cannot do anything, because this island don’t have some high ground or mountains. 続きを読む
I feel most happy when I am at home doing housework. The important thing is to stay healthy and be happy. 続きを読む
I want the world to see and know the serious situation of small island county like Tuvalu. 続きを読む
I find joy in trying new things, experiencing new technology and inventing something. 続きを読む
The most important thing for the island life is to catch food and water from nature. 続きを読む