For developed countries, when it comes to climate change, it’s all about numbers. 続きを読む

For developed countries, when it comes to climate change, it’s all about numbers. 続きを読む
Climate change is our main enemy. We don’t know when it is coming. 続きを読む
Our island is at risk from sea level rise and climate change: the seas are going up. I notice that the seas are rising. 続きを読む
We did not have such hotter days before. I feel the weather has changed and got hotter since 5 to 7 years ago. 続きを読む
There are many effects because of the sea level rise. I believe the scientists’ prediction because the wave is getting closer to the land especially when it is high tide. 続きを読む
I come from a long line of a traditional fishing family and enjoy fishing most. 続きを読む
When the alarm about the tsunami was broadcasted, my children really fear about that, but we cannot do anything, because this island don’t have some high ground or mountains. 続きを読む
I want the world to see and know the serious situation of small island county like Tuvalu. 続きを読む
As a Matai (head of family), it is important and joyous to look after my family. 続きを読む
I want developed nations to reduce greenhouse gas emission. 続きを読む